Our Vision
Why Ride with Me? Feeling the breeze on our faces, taking in the fresh air, this sense of wellness and bliss is what everyone of us deserves to have. But when we have a serious condition such as breast cancer, there are a lot more things on our mind that may taint our enjoyment of life. We would like to invite you to Ride with Me, so we can raise fund for the Breast Cancer Foundation, with its extensive programmes that support breast cancer patients, families, and even caregivers, employers, and healthcare professionals who influence the lives of these women.
By calling this movement Ride with Me, we are also telling persons living with breast cancer that we are here on the journey with them. When we ride together, we represent solidarity and mental strength in unity.
How To Participate: With the virtual cycling concept, participants can just ride in your own time, free and easy. But we do have attractive prizes lined up for each accomplishment if you enter any of our challenges via email with a screenshot of the required mileage you’ve made and your personal details, because life is made up of Small Wins that lead to the Big Win!

*Shuwen Lou was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 3C at only age 30. While initially told that she may have to undergo mastectomy (surgical procedure to remove the breast), she was able to go for a lumpectomy (surgical procedure to remove only the cancerous lump in the breast) instead after chemotherapy.
As a young breast cancer patient, Shuwen drew strength from the support group facilitated by Breast Cancer Foundation. Shuwen’s small wins was braving through each chemotherapy session, and her big win was to emerge cancer-free from it all. What’s your small win today?
*Source: Breast Cancer Foundation Annual Report May – December 2020
The Small And Big Wins We Have Lined Up For You Are Here
• Attractive cycling jersey for first 500 participants* who reach 20km in one trip.
• E-Badge of honour for every trip with at least 30km reached, as shown on screenshot of your route on a fitness app. Collect as many E-Badges as you can for the Big Win – a bigger prize awaits!
• A prized jersey from Coleccion Alexandra to be won by the first three participants to complete 200km over any number of cycling rides in October. To help us spread the fun and awareness of this campaign, follow us on social media @RideWithMeFunRaising and post an album of your trip logs on your Instagram / Facebook, tagging us #RideWithMeFunRaising as you cycle for this competition to win the jersey.
• To ensure that we don’t miss out on any of your entries, please email us at ridewithmefunraising@gmail.com with your full name (as in NRIC/FIN), email address used during registration for this campaign, the last 4 digit of your NRIC/FIN, and your birthdate (in DDMMYYYY format).